Sunday, 29 May 2016

On Monday we had a very special visitor – PSCO Jackie Adams came in to speak to Class 1 and 2 about Stranger Danger and the work she does in the local community.

The children were very excited to be able to go outside and have a look around the Police car – and enjoyed sitting in it and testing the siren even more!
(Photos to follow!)

We then created some lovely posters using ‘bossy verbs’ to tell people what to do if a stranger approaches you, a great link to our English work on instructions!

We have enjoyed a week of finishing off our current topics - instruction writing in English and fractions work in Maths. We had a carousel of Maths activities on Thursday to practice all of the skills we have learned this term.

Congratulations to the whole of Year 2 for being in the Golden Book this week!
Everybody tried so hard with all of the challenges and activities and showed a great attitude during their ‘Special Agent Training’ – I am so proud of all of you.

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and got full marks in their spelling test – Francesca, Saskia, Ellie, Finley, Oliver, Joshua, Whitney, Reuben, Poppy, Joseph, Connor, Alfie L and Caleb

Homework – Due Thursday 9th June

Please spend a bit of time practicing reading and writing the ‘Common Exception Words’ over the holiday – these are stuck into purple homework books (not reading journals this week).

All of these have already been given as spellings over the past 2 terms so you should not find these too difficult, but the more you practice, the easier you will find reading and writing them in daily lessons, as well as in the weekly spelling challenges.

I have also allocated everybody some new games to play on Abacus ActiveLearn.

Next week is half term, so we will see you on MONDAY 6TH JUNE.


Friday, 20 May 2016

Year 2 have been doing some special work in the ‘Secret Agent Training Service’ this week – we have created ID badges and collected fingerprints from the adults around the school to make sure no-one can enter our Top Secret Mission Room without being invited! We have also had a go at writing secret messages in code – quite tricky but great fun!

The children have all completed some tricky challenges which really tested their Maths and English skills – I’m very proud of everyone’s hard work over the past few days, well done!

We have continued thinking about reading and writing instructions this week. We read ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ and used what we knew about instructions to write ordered, clear steps to help keep these giant animals clean!

In Maths we have been revisiting how to find fractions of shapes and quantities. We have done lots of practical activities to help us work out halves and quarters.

On Thursday the children were challenged to decorate a cupcake so that it could be shared equally into 4 (quarters) and everyone would have an equal piece, with the same decorations on – some fantastic problem solving from everyone meant we were all able to enjoy some cake afterwards!


We have been watching and recording the progress of our special seeds with excitement again this week – lots more are beginning to grow now!

Congratulations to Freddie for being in the Golden Book this week for some super work and a positive attitude, especially in Maths, this week.

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and got full marks in their spelling test – Reuben, Finley, Ellie, Saskia, Whitney, Poppy, Caleb, Joseph, Connor, Alfie L and Lilly! Fantastic!

Homework – Due Thursday 26th May
Don’t forget House Points can be earned for homework handed in early!

Homework this week is based on our story ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ - choose or create an animal and then think about their needs. What would someone need to know, think about or do if they had to take care of them for the day? We will be using this to write some instructions next week!

Please keep practising the Abacus ActiveLearn games – completed games can be found in ‘My Library’ once logged in.

Spellings have been given as usual.

Next week….
As next week is the last week of term, we will be concluding our work on fractions in Maths and instructions in English ready for new topics when we come back after half term.

We also have a special visitor coming to see us on Monday morning...!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Our special seeds are growing quickly now thanks to the warmer weather and we have been excited to watch their progress this week! 

We have continued thinking about reading and writing instructions for different purposes. We had to help Mrs Curtis make a sandwich by giving her verbal instructions and found that we had to be really clear and concise to make sure she knew exactly what to do! 
Put the butter on the bread.....oh.
Slice the tomato with the knife and then put it on top of the cheese.

In Maths this week we have been learning about 3D shapes and making sure we recognise and can describe common 3D shapes. We made our own 3D Shape Superheroes and saved them from being kidnapped by the evil 2D Shape Aliens by working out the clues together – great teamwork! 

We have been able to take lots of our learning outside the classroom this week; hunting for wild flowers and learning how to identify trees as part of our Science work on plants. 

I think this is an Oak!

Congratulations to Daniella for being in the Golden Book this week for a great attitude towards her own, independent learning. 

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and got full marks in their spelling test – Joshua, Oliver, Finley, Ellie, Francesca, Saskia, Whitney, Poppy, Caleb,Joseph and Alfie L! Fantastic! 

Homework – Due Thursday 19th May
Dont forget House Points can be earned for homework handed in early! 

Homework this week is a Maths task to practice what we have learned this week about 3D shapes. 

Please keep practising the Abacus ActiveLearn game if you were not able to complete it this week. If you would like to practice games that you have already completed, you can access these in the 'My Library' tab.
A reminder that children can use school computers for Abacus games if required, but please put a note in your child's reading diary if you would like me to arrange time for this. 

Spellings have been given as usual. 

Next week.... 

We will be thinking about position and direction in Maths and finishing off our work on instructional writing.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

We have managed to pack a lot into the shorter week this week and have enjoyed being out in the sunshine too. 

We have been watching our seeds and were very excited to find some were begin to grow already! Our seed diaries are starting to look really good.


Our English work this week has been focusing on reading and writing instructions for different purposes. We had a go at instructing our partners to move around the classroom – it took quite a lot of practice to make sure our instructions were clear and simple to avoid walking into furniture!

In Maths this week we have been using pictures or simple drawings to help us answer addition and subtraction word problems - this will be useful in our ‘Big Maths’ weekly challenges! Year 2 have also been working using arrays to work out multiplication problems.

On Thursday we learned together how to draw some of the characters from The Lorax – I am really impressed with the care and effort everyone put into their fantastic artwork! 

Congratulations to Lana for being in the Golden Book this week for showing a great attitude towards her learning this week and trying really hard, especially in Maths.

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and got full marks in their spelling test – Finley, Francesca, Joshua, Oliver, Whitney, Saskia, Ellie, Lana, Caleb, Lilly, Joseph, Henry, Alfie L and Vincent! Amazing!

Homework – Due Thursday 12th May
Don’t forget House Points can be earned for homework handed in early!

Homework this week is a reading task –

Year 1 have a phoneme spotter story to develop recognition of alternative spellings for the same sound /ee/. We often use these in our Phonics lessons so the children will be familiar with them. Read the story through first then revisit and underline or colour lightly words that contain the /ee/ sound.

Year 2 have a reading and comprehension task – read the text and then answer the questions. Please encourage your child to read the focus text independently, not read it to them.

I have also allocated another Abacus ActiveLearn game to all children this week to help practice Maths skills. This week – recognising and adding money!

A reminder that children can use school computers to complete this Maths homework if required, but please put a note in your child’s reading diary if you would like me to arrange time for them to do this.

Spellings have been given as usual.

Next week….
We will be continuing to think about using and then creating our own instructions in English. 
In Maths we will be revisiting 2D and 3D shapes.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

We have had another busy week in Class 2 this week – we had a cinema afternoon on Monday and had to work out how to make the right amount of money to buy a ticket and some popcorn, before we watched the rest of ‘The Lorax’ in preparation for our next topic lessons. 


On Thursday we had a very exciting afternoon when a special package arrived from The Lorax himself with some precious seeds in for us to grow – we are hoping they will grow to be the Truffula trees! We decided to create a seed diary to record their growth as part of our Science topic on plants.

We have continued our work on retelling stories from the point of view of another person, using the story ‘Farmer Duck’ this week. This culminated in a super ‘Big Write’ session in which the children produced some really lovely recounts of the story – well done! We have started to think about how we can use exclamation marks in our writing.

In Maths this week we have been thinking about place value and partitioning 2-digit numbers into 10s and 1s (units). Year 2 have also been working on rounding up and down. 


Thank you to those parents who attended the Phonics Screening share morning on Wednesday – I will be sending some information and activities home next week to help your child practice at home. If you were not able to attend but have any questions or concerns please feel free to make an appointment to come and see me at another time.

Congratulations to Whitney for being in the Golden Book this week for her fantastic Big Write!

Saskia and Whitney were also awarded Writing Superstar awards for some beautifully presented work this week, which will be displayed on our Wonderful Writing wall in the main corridor.

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and got full marks in their spelling test – Ellie, Francesca, Saskia, Harley, Harry, Alfie L, Joseph and Lilly. 

Homework – Due Thursday 5th May.

Homework this week is some practice using partitioning and place value to consolidate what we have learned in class this week. 

Spellings have also been given as usual.

Next week….

We will be starting to think about the features of instructions – reading and then planning and writing our own instructions using ‘bossy’ language.

In Maths we will be thinking about a range of problems - including word problems - and using arrays and pictorial representations to help us work out the answer and for Year2, how to ‘PROVE IT’!

We will also be continuing our topic work about ‘The Lorax’ and combining what we have watched with our English work to help us reflect on and retell the story, including through role play.