Friday, 24 June 2016


Class 2 enjoyed a great Outdoor Learning Day at Holton Primary school this week - lots of fun and great learning opportunities for all!

What can you see?

Oh look! Here is a tiny bug!

Creating story maps whilst listening to 'Frog is a hero'

Making up stories using puppets.

Well done everyone for representing Wenhaston so beautifully!

Back in the classroom we have been starting to reflect on our learning this year - we got out our first English and Maths books and were amazed to see how much we have progressed and what we have learned this year.

We have also been learning about exclamation sentences using 'Little Red Riding Hood' to help us. Lots of children chose to challenge themselves with the trickiest learning challenge - great 'Growth Mindset'!

Congratulations to Ellie for being in the Golden Book this week for consistent hard work and some great reflective thinking this week.

A big WELL DONE to the following children who all got full marks in this weeks spelling challenge - Lilly, Joey, Alfie L, Ivy, Poppy, Whitney, Saskia, Joshua, Oliver and Freddie. AMAZING!

Home Learning - 
Due Thursday 30th June.

The task this week is to complete the Science activity - find and draw or photograph 5 different leaves around your garden or out and about this weekend and see if you can describe them. 
Challenge - can you measure each leaf in centimetres? 

Spellings have also been given as usual.

Friday, 17 June 2016

What a busy week we have had this week!

Despite the weather we have been able to do lots of science this week and take our learning outside. 
On Friday we had a fantastic afternoon with the Blyth Woods group who very kindly gave their time to come and help weed and mulch our acorn trees. We were lucky that the rain held off enough to be able to go on a leaf hunt also.

More pictures to follow....

We also learned about the different parts of plants and created some lovely artwork to be displayed in our classroom.

A big well done to all the children that took their phonics check this week - everyone tried their best and made me very proud!

Next week we have our next Partnership Day at Holton school - check the letter sent home this week for all the details. 
Remember to bring a packed lunch and suitable shoes for running around outside. 
Please note that we WILL be doing some activities outside so children should bring a COAT incase it rains and a HAT/SUNCREAM to protect themselves from the sun.

Congratulations to Alfie G for being in the Golden Book this week for a great attitude towards his learning and brilliant effort - you showed us some fantastic work this week Alfie, keep it up!

A big WELL DONE to those children that managed full marks in this weeks spelling challenge - it was very tricky but Oliver, Whitney, Saskia and Caleb all managed to correctly spell the days of the week and the months of the year! Amazing!

Homework - Due Thursday 23rd June.

Homework this week is to complete the Maths games allocated on Abacus ActiveLearn.
Please do not forget to let me know if you need to use school computers.

Spellings have been given as usual. This week - time connectives!

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Welcome back - we hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term.

We have had a lovely few days in Class 2 and I am so impressed with the positive attitude the children have shown this week in all areas - well done!

We have been writing riddles about animals this week in English, thinking about how the words can give us clues about the answer and how the layout and punctuation might look.
We also composed a class riddle about a very special lady who is celebrating a birthday this week and then copied this out in our best handwriting...can you work out the clues?

In Maths we learned about odd and even numbers and counting in 2s - we have created a great display using our feet!


Year 2 also worked on their estimating skills, thinking about length and weight. 

On Thursday we wrote, decorated and posted cards to the Queen for her 90th birthday - we hope she will enjoy looking at them!

Congratulations to Joseph Overton for being in the Golden Book this week for consistent good work and a great attitude towards his learning.

A BIG WELL DONE also to the following children who all worked really hard this week and managed to spell most of the "tricky words" set correctly: 
Reuben, Ellie, Saskia, Alfie G, Whitney, Francesca, Oliver, Joshua, Poppy, Lana Caleb, Joseph, Alfie L and Lilly! Fantastic!

Homework –
Due Thursday 16th June – don’t forget House Points can be earned for homework handed in early!

Homework this week is either a phoneme spotter activity (look for the different ways of spelling the 'ai' sound (ai, ay, ey, a_e......)  or  a maths quiz - these are in purple homework books as normal. 

Don't forget - you can keep practising the Abacus ActiveLearn games at home – completed games can be found in ‘My Library’ once logged in.

Spellings have been given as usual, this week - spelling the days of the week and months of the year!

A quick reminder that that homework and spellings are always stuck into purple homework books.
Please do ask if you are not sure what should be completed - we s
eem to have had an increase in children not completing homework recently, either giving no particular reason, or saying that they do not understand what to do on the day homework is due. Thank you.