Friday, 15 July 2016

This week has just flown by and we have been lucky to be able to enjoy some sunshine.

We had our transition morning on Wednesday and Year 2 were excited to meet their new teacher for next year, Mr Balls. They returned to Class 2 in the afternoon with a great positive attitude towards their next step!
Year 1 were brilliant role-models for the Reception children who came up into Class 2 and we have started creating some nice artwork for September and getting to know each other a little better.

We have had the chance to do lots of artwork this week. 

We have created scenes from The Lorax, thinking about how artists use light/dark colours to create atmosphere and help tell the story. 

As part of our work on plants we started to think about vegetables and where they come from. We read one of our favourite books 'Supertato, Veggies Assemble' and then created some brilliant pictures using lots of different vegetables too.

Well done to Alfie L, Ellie, Poppy, Alfie G, Saskia, Whitney, Joshua and Oliver who got full marks in this weeks spelling test! Amazing!

No home learning this week as it is the last week of term next week - we have sent home children's home learning books for this year for them to keep.

Please remember you can continue to play any of the Abacus ActiveLearn games in the LIBRARY section if you wish.

Please could all children bring in a plastic bag by Wednesday 20th to enable them to take home any artwork/projects from this term and belongings from their trays etc.

Class 2 would love to show you how hard we have worked this year and how far we have come since September, so we would like to remind you that you are invited to come in and look at our books and other topic work on Tuesday 19th from 3pm – 4pm. 

Sunday, 10 July 2016

We have had another great week in Class 2 this week.

Our trip to Rendlesham Forest was a success and a great day was had by everyone - including the adults!
The children had fantastic time exploring the forest, bug hunting, den building, climbing, swinging, racing and making artwork, to name a few! 

We have continued thinking about the story of Little Red Riding Hood in English and how we can change the ending to create our own story. The children have started to come up with some really fantastic ideas and I am really looking forward to reading the finished stories!

We have been learning about data handling in Maths and have made tally charts and bar charts this week.

Home Learning – Due Thursday 14th July
This week I would like you to write about our trip to Rendlesham Forest.
Think about the things you did and what you enjoyed most about the day. You might like to draw a picture to go with your writing too.

A reminder that you also have an extra week to practice your most recent spellings. If you would like an extra challenge you could practice the Common Exception Words that were sent home over half term (stuck in your homework books) to see if you can beat your score next time we have a go at them!

Friday, 1 July 2016

Well done to all of Class 2 for their performance at Sports Day this week. Everyone tried their best and cheered for their friends in their races too.

We have been reading Little Red Riding Hood in English and this week have been working on remembering the story, so we acted it out in small groups. 

We then had a go at saying what we liked or would improve about each others performance.

We have started to work on ways we can make our writing more interesting, using adjectives and WOW words to describe the characters and the setting (the forest). I am so impressed with some children's work this week!

In Maths we have been thinking about data handling - we have created our own pictograms using our eye colour and thought about what information it tells us. 

Can you say how many children have green eyes in our class?

Congratulations to Oliver for being in the Golden Book this week for consistent hard work and some super work in English this week.

A big WELL DONE to the following children who all got full marks in this weeks spelling challenge - Lilly, Joey, Caleb, Poppy, Connor, Whitney, Francesca, Saskia, Joshua, Oliver and Alfie G. AMAZING!

Home Learning - 
Due Thursday 7th June.

The task this week is to complete the pictogram about favourite sandwich fillings. Ask your family and friends what their favourite is and colour in 1 square for each filling - for example, if 5 people like ham the best, colour 5 squares.

Spellings have also been given as usual.

A reminder that next Friday (8th) is our school trip to Rendlesham Forest. 
Children will need a packed lunch and drink and to wear sensible clothes and shoes. 
They will also need a hat/suncream and a coat please as we WILL be outside for the whole day, rain or shine!