What a busy week we have had this week!
We began with our trip to the circus on Tuesday - everyone really enjoyed the show!
A huge WELL DONE to everybody for putting such fantastic effort in to our Christmas performances on Thursday at the village hall - I am sure you will agree all of the children did a super job acting and singing on the 'big stage'!
We have been enjoying the Christmas stories our Christmas Elves have been leaving for us this week - they certainly know what kind of stories we love to read in our class!
The children also wrote some lovely letters to Father Christmas which the Elves have taken back for him to read.
We created hats to wear to today's Christmas Lunch using only 2D shapes to make the pictures - I was so impressed to see how creative everybody was with just the circles, squares, rectangles and triangles I gave them - we had trees, snowmen, elves and even Rudolph pulling a sleigh!
Remember that on Tuesday it is Christmas jumper day and that everybody needs wellies for our walk that day - we will follow this up with hot chocolate and some Christmas films in the afternoon.
Don't forget to bring a plastic bag next week to take home all the super artwork we have made this term.
Have a lovely restful weekend!
We have been getting into the festive spirit this week in Class 2 - we have been enjoying lots of stories given to us by the elves that are visiting our classroom.
They have been visiting every night and leaving shiny coins for children who have done super work or been a great friend each day.
We have also been working out how to make some snowman treats - the naughty elves left us the ingredients but no instructions! We had to work together and talked about how we would make each part and what we would use.
We enjoyed the final result very much...!
Rehearsals have been continuing for our Christmas play - all of the costumes look fantastic, thank you to everyone who has made or bought things for the children to wear.
Keep practising your lines this weekend - remember to use your big voices too!
No home learning this week - have a lovely rest in preparation for lots of Christmas fun next week!
Much excitement was had in Class 2 this week when a tiny, wooden door appeared in our classroom!
This prompted some super writing and lots of WOW words to describe the door and who it might belong to.
Then on Friday we received a note and a parcel from The Christmas Elves who told us they would be visiting us to look out for all the things we have been doing - not only all our fantastic work but also looking for signs of kindness and laughter!
In the parcel was a treasure hunt and some chocolate coins - the Elves had seen all our work on money this week and thought they would set us a challenge!
First we had to work out how much money was in each pot....
Then we had to search around the room for the cards with those amounts on to find the letters to make a secret message....
We cannot wait to see what the Elves get up to next week!
Sophia and Faith were in the Golden Book this week for settling in so well to our class and making such a great start at Wenhaston.
Well done to the rest of the class for making them feel welcome.
Home Learning:
Your home learning this week is to keep practising your lines for our Christmas play - next week we will be rehearsing without them in front of us so we can hold our props and do the actions to all the songs much more easily.
No new spellings this week - as we are approaching the end of term it is time to consolidate everything we have learned so far, so please spend some time practising ALL of the spellings given this term, in particular the ones you might have found more tricky or got wrong in previous weeks.
We will be randomly picking some words from all those learned this term for next weeks test.