Friday, 8 December 2017

It has been a busy week of challenges to show how much we have learned this term - everyone has been working so hard and has had a good go at using and applying what they know, well done!

We have been working really hard on our Christmas Play also - everyone has learned their lines and we are impressed with the acting and singing skills of all of the cast. 
We are really looking forward to showing everyone on Thursday - we hope lots of you will be able to come and see us perform on the big stage then!

Please could all costumes be in school on Monday 11th for our dress rehearsal.

As we have had such a busy few days, we have also had a few treats this week!

On Thursday Mr Mack (who helps us do PE with Mr Knights) showed us some of his boxing skills and taught us some moves too!

To conclude our 'Journeys' topic, today we had a special pyjama and teddy day to watch a Christmas film with a 'travelling' theme ........

We created our own tickets and also made and had some yummy hot chocolate whilst we watched the film - thank you to Sophie's mummy for providing some biscuits too!

We will be watching the rest of the film on Monday and doing some more 'Polar Express' themed Christmas activities next week.


A HUGE WELL DONE to Iris who was the first person to complete our reading challenge for this term, winning a certificate and a prize from Mrs Flynn's prize box as well as 5 House Points!
Fantastic effort Iris, congratulations!

No home learning this week, other than to please keep practising your lines for the Christmas Play in your biggest, clearest voices.

Please also read your reading book and have your journal signed.

Friday, 1 December 2017

We have finished off our work on 'What the Ladybird Heard' this week by creating "WANTED" posters for the two thieves. We had to think about what information we needed to include to make sure people know who to look out for....

We concluded the week with a Big Write, retelling the story. I was amazed to see how much the children remembered from the story and could rewrite, almost word for word!

We have been working on learning our number bonds to 10 this week in Year 1 - these are 2 numbers that add up to 10. 
One of the things we did to help us was to put 10 spots onto 2 mushrooms and then look at which 2 numbers worked together to make 10 altogether!

In Year 2 we have been practising adding and taking away (subtracting) in multiples of 10. This was tricky to start with so we used our Base 10 ('chips and peas') and 100 squares to help us, but by the end of the week we were all feeling much more confident and were attempting the hardest challenges Mrs Flynn set us!   
What a great growth mindset attitude Year 2!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 7th December.

Your Home Learning this week is to spend some time learning your lines for the Christmas play!

Begin by reading them through a few times quietly to yourself to get used to what the words say. Ask an adult to help if you need to.
Then read them out loud to someone else – remember to use a big, clear voice!
Once you are confident, try it without your script!

House points will be given next week to anyone who can come to rehearsals without their lines! 


Please also make sure you read your school reading book to an adult and get your reading journal signed.

Friday, 17 November 2017

A huge thank you to everyone that came today for our Children in Need Ramble and Cake Sale - it was great to see so many children enjoying the afternoon sunshine with their families and hopefully we have raised a good amount for the Children in Need charity and also some to put into our play equipment fund!

We have had another busy week this week and have been using our maths resources to help us add 2 numbers together. In Year 2 we were using equipment like Numicon and Base 10 ('chips and peas'!) to help us check Mrs Flynn's work - we had to work out and then, more importantly, prove whether each calculation was right or wrong! 
Some children demonstrated some absolutely super thinking skills, well done!

"12 add 4 isn't 18, it should be 16, look!"

"3 = 8 - 5 - that one is right because I can get 8 then cover up 5 and I have 3 left!"

We have been reading the story 'What the ladybird heard' this week and as well as acting our parts of the story and adding some sounds for the animal noises, we have been using it to learn about adjectives - the 'grown up' word for describing words! 
I was amazed by some of the descriptive language used this week 😊

Home Learning
Due Thursday 23rd November

Your home learning is to complete the adjectives activity that is stuck into your home learning books. 
See if you can use the most interesting describing word you can think of for each one!

Friday, 10 November 2017

Year 2 have been working on finding out 'fact families' for different numbers. We realised that we can use the same 3 numbers to write lots of different number sentences!
It was a bit tricky to begin with but we persevered and have learned lots!

Year 1 have been building on what we learned last week using our 'part-whole' models to add 2 numbers together. We have been using resources like cubes, counters and our fingers to help us.

Some of us even chose to have a bit more practice during our free learning time! WOW!

Because this weekend lots of us will be celebrating Remembrance Day we talked about why we wear poppies and that we have a 2 minute silence to remember and say thank you to our soldiers that have fought in wars all around the world. 
We made some poppies to take home and wear too!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 16th November

Friday, 3 November 2017

We have had quite a busy week in Class 2!
Thank you to everyone that came along to our Maths 'share' morning on Tuesday - it was great to see the children showing off all of the things they learned last term!

Here are a few photos of the amazing work produced!


We have been reading 'The Magic Bed' by John Burningham and have been using our imaginations to think about where we might go if we had a magic bed!
We will be having a go at writing our own stories based on this book next week.

In Maths we have been using the 'part-whole' model to help us split up numbers and write addition number sentences. 

The Year 2s have been being the 'teacher' for the Year 1s and explaining how they have been working out how to do this with bigger numbers, or how they have managed to find ALL of the possible ways to split up a number! Super!

Iris was in the Golden Book this week for consistent hard work in class and also for a fantastic piece of home learning over half term - it was clear you had put so much thought and effort into this, so well done!
Ava was also in the Golden Book for settling in to our class so well this week!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 9th November 

Your home learning this week is to complete the 'part-whole' calculations in your home learning book.

Remember - If you need to use counters/blocks or anything else you have at home to help you, please do! 

Friday, 20 October 2017

We have done lots of 'finishing off' this week - in Maths we have been practising our skills ordering and comparing numbers....

....and in English we have been working on thinking about the settings in stories. We have enjoyed learning the story 'Oi! Get off our train!' and have been learning about using an exclamation mark to make our voices a  bit louder or how it can be used to make characters a bit more 'shouty'!

Why not see if you can name the setting (where the story happens) in your reading books or a story book from home over half term?

I am so impressed with some of the home learning submitted this week - lots of really great comparisons between old and new bikes and some super designs for some 'bikes of the future'!


We have had a great last day of term today with Class 1 (Reception) and really enjoyed making our autumn hedgehog rolls....
Rolling out the dough...

...shaping and leaving to prove (rise) ready to cook and enjoy!

....and we were set a challenge to work in teams to build the best bridge that we could which could take us on our next 'journey'!

Great thinking and teamwork!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 2nd November 

Don't forget, next week is half term, so see you all on Monday 30th October.

Friday, 13 October 2017

This week we have been reading the story 'Whatever Next!' by Jill Murphy and have planned and written our own stories based on this theme - I am so impressed with the writing produced by everyone today! 

We have continued our work comparing numbers this week, using lots of different resources and using the words 'greatest' and 'smallest' in Year 1 and the symbols  <  >  and =  in Year 2.

A super piece of independent work by Lilly!

In our topic lessons we have been learning about how bicycles have developed over the past 200 years!

We talked lots about what is the same and what is different between bikes from the past and the bikes we have now and drew pictures to show the differences.

Well done to Alfie for being in the Golden Book this week for having a great 'Growth Mindset' attitude towards his learning and showing such a huge amount of progress in just a few weeks!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 19th October

Choose 1 of the 2 activities below:

1. Design a bike for the future!
What will the bikes we ride 50 years from now look like? Will they look similar or very different? How many wheels will they have? 
They must still be powered by our bodies (no engines!) but the design is up to you. Please label your picture to tell us about your design.

2. Take a photo of your bike (or one belonging to someone in your family) and stick it in your book, labelling the parts of the bike.
Then write about what you like most about your bike and explain what is the same and what is different about it, compared to the bicycles of the past that we looked at this week.

Friday, 6 October 2017

This week we have been working on making our writing more exciting, by adding adjectives or 'describing words' to our sentences.
Here are some of our descriptions of our favourite toys!

My toy has black eyes and it is ginger.

My train is silver and red and it is shiny and fun.

My toy is long and brown. It is not furry and is skinny.

My toy has a light orange shirt and has a black nose.

In Maths we have been thinking about comparing numbers - in Year 1 using the words less/more than and showing greater/smaller numbers and in Year 2 using inequality symbols ( <  > and = ) - also known as 'Charlie Croc'  to help us !

We have had some children reach the first milestone on our reading chart, so a huge well done to :
Siena            Sophie            Dotty            Horace            Jack            Iris            Billy            and            Samuel

Home Learning
Due Thursday 12th October

This weeks home learning is a Maths task.

Year 1 should count the objects in each box and write the number, before working out what is one less and one more than this number. 
Year 2 should use what they have learned this week about comparing numbers using the symbols < > and =  to complete the number sentences.

Friday, 29 September 2017

This week we have been reading the story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' by Judith Kerr.

We have looked at the pictures closely and have acted out the story in small groups.

One day there was a ring on the doorbell...there was a tiger at the door!
Drinking all of the water from the tap....
We then planned and wrote our own short stories, this time about an animal that turns up at OUR doors and causes a few problems...!

On Tuesday we were Nature Detectives and went around the school grounds to see what creatures live here with us. We talked a lot about their different habitats (homes) and why they might like to live where they do. 

Look who we found...!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 5th October

This week your home learning is to find words using the sounds we have been focusing on this week: 
Year 1 - igh (as in night) oo (as in spoon or book) oa (as in boat) and ar (as in car)
Year 2 - different ways of writing the 'air' sound (air as in chair, ear as in bear or are as in share)

Can you find any words with these sounds in in your reading book or in a book of your own from home? What words can you remember from our phonics sessions this week?