Friday, 24 February 2017

Welcome back!

It has been great to hear everyone's news after the half term - we hope you had a lovely rest too!

We have had an exciting week back - we had some special visitors on Wednesday who brought along their tractor for us to explore. We also learned lots about the different crops the farmers grow and what they are used for. We enjoyed climbing up into the tractor and looking at all the controls and levers - it looks tricky to drive! 

We have been working hard on writing our information books about Penguins this week - these are almost complete and are looking great!

In Maths we have been thinking about time - first we worked hard on remembering the days of the week and sang a song to help us remember that there are 7 and the right order - why not see if you can show someone at home this weekend? We then talked about the 12 months of the year and linked this to our work on seasons to help us remember.

We then moved on to telling the time to the hour and half hour - Year 2 have also been moving on to quarter past/quarter to the hour as well as they were very confident with o'clock times and have been challenging themselves with some tricky 'thinking things through' challenges too - super work!
Here are Year 1 playing a game to see who can make the most 'o'clock' times correctly!

Don't forget - 

Tuesday (28th) is our ‘Share Morning’ – we look forward to seeing lots of your families then for some fun English and Phonics challenges!

Thursday (2nd) is World Book Day so we would love to see you dressed up as your favourite character! Please do bring along a favourite book from home to share with the class too.
Next week the whole school will be doing lots of learning around one book as part of our celebrations, including some activities in our House Teams - a great chance to earn some more house points!

Home Learning - 
Due Thursday 2nd March 

As next week we will be thinking about books, your home learning is to complete a 'Book Review'.
There is a template stuck into your Home Learning books for this - you can use any book (fiction or non-fiction) from home or your school reading book, but try to use a book you know well as it will help you complete this more easily!

Please remember to practice your 4 spelling words for this week too - these are in spelling books as usual.

Monday, 13 February 2017

This week we have been working on our information books about penguins and have created sections on the anatomy (body parts) and life-cycles of penguins. We will be finishing these after half term and adding them to our reading corner for all to see!

Everyone has worked very hard during our end of term activities - we have done lots of 'finishing off' and checking what we have learned since Christmas, as well as visiting Edgar Sewter for our Science- themed Partnership day.
We completed lots of different activities, including making kaleidoscopes, bottle rockets and trying to form bubbles in different shapes. We also had some activities where we thought about how to stay safe online, as Tuesday was 'Safer Internet Day'. 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who provided milk bottles - we managed to collect 3 bin bags full which we used to make rockets in one of the activities!

I am also very impressed with the acts of kindness shown by lots of you this week, looking after your friends, teachers and resources. We will continue this after half term to see if any of you can fill up your 'Kindness Cards' and become Kings/Queens of Kindness!

There is no home learning over half term as I would like you to rest and spend time with your family and friends, ready to come back for a busy but exciting Easter term.
However, please have a look again at the 'Minute Challenge' spelling words we have learned this term and try to be confident reading and writing them all! 

Have a lovely break and we will see you on Monday 20th.

Friday, 3 February 2017

We have had lots of wintery fun this week in Class 2!

We have been creating some cold penguin pictures - each one turned out slightly different but all look fantastic. We are looking forward to seeing the finished display, once all the pictures are dry! 

Tuesday was our trip to Ipswich to go tobogganing - it was very chilly but everyone had a lots of fun and nearly everyone was brave enough to start at the very top! 

We have been working on our information (non-fiction) books about penguins and have been writing questions, using a question mark, we can try to find out the answers to.

Two people were in the Golden Book this week for consistently demonstrating our school values.
Alex showed great perseverance on our trip on Tuesday and he kept giving tobogganing a go, even though the slope was very high! He showed that he trusted the adults he was with to take him down. 
Iris has shown super friendship and compassion and always has a great 'growth mindset' attitude.
Well done to both of you!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 9th February

We have been talking about what being a good friend is this week in Class 2.
For your home learning this week I would like you to write down what you know or think about the word  kindness

What does kindness mean to you?
How can you show kindness?
Have you done anything kind this weekend?
How would you feel if someone showed you kindness?

This is in preparation for some activities we will be doing in the next week to encourage people to be kind to each other.

Please also take some time to practise the spelling words given this half term as we will be looking to see who is remembering to use the spelling patterns they have learned in their writing next week!