It has been great to hear everyone's news after the half term - we hope you had a lovely rest too!
We have had an exciting week back - we had some special visitors on Wednesday who brought along their tractor for us to explore. We also learned lots about the different crops the farmers grow and what they are used for. We enjoyed climbing up into the tractor and looking at all the controls and levers - it looks tricky to drive!
We have been working hard on writing our information books about Penguins this week - these are almost complete and are looking great!
In Maths we have been thinking about time - first we worked hard on remembering the days of the week and sang a song to help us remember that there are 7 and the right order - why not see if you can show someone at home this weekend? We then talked about the 12 months of the year and linked this to our work on seasons to help us remember.
We then moved on to telling the time to the hour and half hour - Year 2 have also been moving on to quarter past/quarter to the hour as well as they were very confident with o'clock times and have been challenging themselves with some tricky 'thinking things through' challenges too - super work!
Here are Year 1 playing a game to see who can make the most 'o'clock' times correctly!
Don't forget -
Tuesday (28th) is our
‘Share Morning’ – we look forward to seeing lots of your families then for some fun English and Phonics challenges!
Thursday (2nd) is World Book Day so we would love to see you dressed up as your favourite character! Please do bring along a favourite book from home to share with the class too.
Next week the whole school will be doing lots of learning around one book as part of our celebrations, including some activities in our House Teams - a great chance to earn some more house points!
Home Learning -
Due Thursday 2nd March
As next week we will be thinking about books, your home learning is to complete a 'Book Review'.
There is a template stuck into your Home Learning books for this - you can use any book (fiction or non-fiction) from home or your school reading book, but try to use a book you know well as it will help you complete this more easily!
Please remember to practice your 4 spelling words for this week too - these are in spelling books as usual.