Friday, 31 March 2017

We have had a great end to the Spring term this week with lots of fun activities to celebrate Easter.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered or helped with our Easter Egg competition on Thursday - the entries all looked absolutely fantastic and it was great to see how much effort had been put in by all!

Well done to our winners - Saskia and Jodie - 
and the runners up - Reuben and Iris!

Today we had so much fun egg-rolling at the Common - only a few eggs made it all the way down safely several times!

We also created our own Easter cards and mini books about the Easter Story - they have been sent home today so do enjoy them over the holidays.

Home Learning
Due Thursday 20th April

Year 2 have a reading comprehension activity to complete - try to do this on your own, without too much help from a grown-up please.

Year 1 should write a letter to Max to tell him something about your holiday - you may want to choose 1 special day or tell him about a few things you have done. Don't forget to use 'to' or 'dear' and 'from' like we have been practising and make sure you write in sentences using capital letters and full stops please.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday - see you on Wednesday 19th April!

Friday, 24 March 2017

We have squeezed a lot into this week, finishing off our work on Ernest Shackleton with a Big Write about being part of his expedition. I am very pleased with the lovely writing produced, well done!

We have had a go at some problem solving in Maths this week, really focusing on what the question is asking us to do and what facts we already know that we can use to help us work out the answer. 

Our new science topic is 'Materials' and we began by exploring different materials and thinking about how we could describe them, using words like 'smooth/rough' or 'hard/soft'. 

In pairs we played a game where we each picked an object and had to describe it to our partner without showing them - some items were much easier to guess than others!

Home Learning:
Due Thursday  30th March

Your homework this week is to practice ‘Stick ‘em up’ with someone at home.
We have learned our 2x table and 10x table and now need to practice these so we know them really well!

Make sure you can count confidently in 2s (to at least 20) and 10s (to at least 100) 
Year 2 please also practice your counting in 5s (to at least 50).

I would also like you to practice the spellings you have been given this term as we will be checking what you have learned next week!

Friday, 17 March 2017

We have learned lots more about Ernest Shackleton this week and his expedition to Antarctica. 

We found out that his ship got stuck in the ice and they were trapped for some time before finally the ship was crushed by the ice and sank. Luckily all of the crew escaped unhurt but we talked about how they might feel to suddenly be stuck on the ice with no shelter and no way to get home. We then created freeze-frames to show how they might be feeling....

In Maths we have been working on understanding place value in 2 digit numbers - understanding which is the 10s and which is the 1s number. 
To help with this, we have also been counting in 10s and have begun to do 'Stick 'em up' for our 10 times table too! Keep practising over the weekend as 2 house points will be given to anyone that can show Mrs Flynn or Mrs Curtis their 10x table with no mistakes by next Thursday!

Home Learning:
Due Thursday 23rd March

Home Learning for Year 2 this week is to practise working out the value of 10s and 1s (remember to use your 'Chips' and 'Peas'!) in 2 digit numbers.

Year 1 - I would like you to practise your number bonds to 20 - which 2 numbers make 20?

Please continue to practice your spellings as normal.

Don't forget - Comic Relief next Friday!

Friday, 10 March 2017

This week we have been starting to learn about Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic explorer.

We started off the week by talking about what it means to be 'famous' and then we had a picture of Ernest Shackleton and we had to ask questions to find out who he was and what he was famous for. 
We then discussed what it might be like on an expedition to the South Pole and what kind of people he would need to take with him and what they would be like - brave, strong, fit, responsible.....
We concluded the week writing letters to Mr Shackleton asking if we could join his next expedition and why we would be a good choice...

In Maths we have been continuing our work on time and have been getting used to telling the time to the hour and half past (Year 1) and quarter to/past (Year 2). On Thursday we did a Time Treasure Hunt and had to read the times on the clocks and then look for the clues around the classroom to spell the secret code word.
We have also been seeing what we can do in 1 minute (60 seconds).
Here are Year 2 seeing how many jumps and push-ups they can do....
 ....and seeing how many times they can write their name in 1 minute!

Please keep practising telling the time at home!

Sophia B was in the Golden Book this week for a fantastic Big Write to retell the story of  Halibut Jackson.
Francesca was in the Golden Book for really challenging herself and persevering with a very tricky maths problem - great Growth Mindset!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 16th March

Please have a go at the 'Time Challenges' in your homework books. You might want to use your Big Maths prompt sheets we sent home at the beginning of the year to help you.

Friday, 3 March 2017

It has been a super busy week this week, with lots of activities and learning opportunities to celebrate World Book Day. 

The whole school have been looking at the book 'Halibut Jackson' this week and we have had lots of fun with this in Class 2. We have looked carefully at the pictures and what they tell us about the characters and talked about what we think Halibut and other characters might be thinking or saying. We have also done some activities in our house teams, creating our own camouflaged Halibut's for around the school and putting together some great Halibut-inspired suits for our fashion show! 

Everyone looked great in their World Book Day costumes on Thursday. We really enjoyed sharing our books from home...

Then we had a special challenge - creating a story about what might happen if some of our characters from the different stories met! Here are some of the stories we came up with...

“We are both looking for treasure and decide to help each other. On the way, we defeat the Evil Star Monster and then we find the treasure.”

“The football fan is eating a picnic. Mr Fox smells the food and comes and steals it. The football fan chases him but cannot catch him so goes home.”

“Harry Potter and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle meet and Harry turns him into a penguin and then a frog!”

“Jane bumps into the fairy and they walk together through the forest. They bump into Harry Potter and all decide to be friends. Harry Potter helps them make the flowers smell nice.” 

Home Learning
Due Monday 6th March

You have a slightly different home learning task this week - we will be doing our next Big Write on Monday, retelling the story of Halibut Jackson.
This weekend I would like you to practice retelling the story to someone at home. Try to think of some interesting 'WOW' words you might be able to include in your story. 

Please also make sure you keep practising your words from spelling time this week and previous weeks to help you with your independent writing.