We had a bit of an impromptu first 'P4C' (Philosophy for Children) session based on some thoughts we had during English. We talked about the character 'The Cheshire Cat' from Alice in Wonderland and found out that he had stolen the Queen's jam tarts! We talked about the fact that stealing is wrong - but then Mrs Flynn suggested that maybe the Queen wouldn't miss them as she had lots of money and probably more jam tarts than she needed....
Mrs Curtis disagreed and said that stealing is always wrong, no matter who the person and we had some super discussions about whether or not it was OK that the Cheshire Cat stole from the Queen - and whether or not that was any different to stealing from our friends...
Finally we had an anonymous vote - using the question
Do you think it was wrong for the Cheshire Cat to steal the Queens jam tarts?
6 people thought it was OK and 18 people thought it was wrong. What do you think?
On Wednesday we took a walk down to the common through our own 'Wonderland' - Wenhaston!
In pairs we had to find and collect some things that remind us of the place we live in.
We have started to create some lovely natural collages using the objects we found, which will look fantastic in our classroom.
Today we have had our film morning and the children really enjoyed watching Alice in Wonderland with their special teddies from home.
The whole of Year 2 were in the Golden Book this week for such a fantastic attitude and all their hard work during the past few weeks, completing their 'Secret Agent' tasks. I am very proud of what you have all achieved - well done.
Home Learning
Due week commencing 5th June.
I would like everyone to spend just a little bit of time looking back at the spellings from this half term and try to read their holiday reading books please. Extra house points will be given next term for this.
There is no additional Home Learning this week - have a nice break and spend some time with your family enjoying the gorgeous weather!
See you on Monday 5th!