We have also been busy working on our 'Farm' artwork we started last week - everyone is being super careful and these are going to look fantastic stuck up around our classroom soon!
On Thursday we had our Sports Day - it was great to see so many parents come along. Everyone tried their best in both the field events (speed bounce, standing throw, long jump and beanbag toss) and track events (sprint, egg and spoon, sack, hoop and horseshoe tun) and had a really fun morning competing for house points for their team.
Alex was in the Golden Book this week for working really hard on his independent writing, which is now in lovely clear sentences with capital letters and full stops, and for applying his phonics knowledge to help him spell new words.
Home Learning
Due Thursday 6th July
Your home learning this week is to design a pot for our 'Friendship Soup' to be sold in - don't forget to add the name to the label!
There is also a little maths problem at the bottom of the page - can you work it out?
Don't forget, we have our Healthy Eating share on Monday morning at 10am - we would love to see lots of you there!