Friday, 30 June 2017

This week we have been using lots of resources in Maths to help us work out the answer to and 'prove' some number problems!

We have also been busy working on our 'Farm' artwork we started last week - everyone is being super careful and these are going to look fantastic stuck up around our classroom soon!

On Thursday we had our Sports Day - it was great to see so many parents come along. Everyone tried their best in both the field events (speed bounce, standing throw, long jump and beanbag toss) and track events (sprint, egg and spoon, sack, hoop and horseshoe tun) and had a really fun morning competing for house points for their team.

Alex was in the Golden Book this week for working really hard on his independent writing, which is now in lovely clear sentences with capital letters and full stops, and for applying his phonics knowledge to help him spell new words.

Home Learning
Due Thursday 6th July

Your home learning this week is to design a pot for our 'Friendship Soup' to be sold in - don't forget to add the name to the label!
There is also a little maths problem at the bottom of the page - can you work it out?

Don't forget, we have our Healthy Eating share on Monday morning at 10am - we would love to see lots of you there!

Friday, 23 June 2017

We have been enjoying taking care of our chicks and watching them grow and develop their first feathers this week. We do have lots of jobs though!

Cleaning out the cage!
These chicks are really messy!

Year 2 have been working on making their writing more interesting by using adverbs - words which tell us about the verbs in the sentence, like quickly, gently, mysteriously and angrily.
Here they are making some new sentences...

We have also been starting to make 'Friendship Soup' - so far ingredients include kindness, happiness and responsibility. We will be working on our 'method' next week!

On Thursday we learned about the Spanish artist Miro, who paints in the style of 'Magical Realism' - things look realistic but a little odd at the same time! We studied his picture 'The Farm' that was based on his memories of his life. We then had a go at our own 'The Farm' artwork, drawing things from our lives that are important to us. Here are some examples of our work so far...

Faith was in the Golden Book this week for working so hard in English over the past few weeks - remembering and then using the things we have told you to help you improve your work. 

Home Learning
Due Thursday 29th June

Your home learning this week is to see if you can find another example of some artwork in the same style as Miro's - Magical Realism.
Find a picture and stick it in your home learning books with the title and painter, then write a sentence or two about what you think about the picture.

We look forward to seeing lots of you at the re-arranged Sport's Day on Thursday 29th!

Friday, 16 June 2017

We have really enjoyed having the chicks in our class all week this week and have written some fantastic 'Chick Diaries' - we hope everyone that managed to come and visit us this week enjoyed sharing the children's work with them and meeting our new fluffy friends!

We have been learning how to take care of them and thought about the kinds of jobs we need to do each day. We also talked about the things we need to think about when we are touching or holding them, like washing our hands and being very gentle with them as they are still only babies!

We finished the week by writing some instructions to tell other people how to hatch chicks and what to do to take care of them afterwards. This produced some absolutely amazing independent writing from everyone, well done!

It was lovely to see so many parents this afternoon to work with the Blyth Woods group to help weed and mulch the tiny trees we are growing and think about how we can identify the trees in the school ground. Thank you so much if you were able to pop along.

Home Learning
Due Thursday 22nd June

Your home learning this week is an activity to practice the skills we have been working on in maths - working with money.
Year 1 need to make the amounts shown using coins and Year 2 need to work out how much change is needed for each question. Don't forget the methods we have taught you this week to help you work it out!

Don't forget - Thursday (22nd) is Sports Day! 
Letters were sent home this week to give information about times and advise what children need to bring with them. 
Ploughman's lunches are available to order from the Friends of Wenhaston - please call in to the office if you have lost the letter and would like to book one.

Friday, 9 June 2017

What an exciting week it has been!

This week we have had some new friends come to join us in Class 2....
We had some eggs arrive on Monday and we eagerly watched and waited - and on Wednesday morning we came in to a lovely surprise of a baby chick that had hatched overnight!

This was quickly followed by 3 more that day and then we found another 3 had hatched when we arrived on Thursday morning!

We have had a lovely few days watching them grow and run around the cage - they are starting to develop their own little personalities now, so we have begun to think about names. So far we have decided on 'Flappy', 'Chickaboo' and 'Tiny'.

More excitement was had on Thursday afternoon - Iris and her Granny very kindly brought in her baby quails for us to see and stroke - we thought they were very sweet and were much smaller than our chicks!

We have been writing our own 'Chick Diaries' all week and we have had some amazing writing from this! Next week we will be continuing this by thinking about writing instructions and tips about how to hatch and take care of chicks.

Joshua was in the Golden Book this week for really working hard and remembering and applying what he has been learning - especially in phonics! Well done!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 15th June.

Year 1 - Your home learning this week is some phonics activities, reading real and 'monster' or alien words and sorting them out.

Year 2 - You have a grammar activity this week based on what you have been learning about nouns and past/present tenses. 

This weeks spellings have been added to your spelling books as usual.