Friday, 29 September 2017

This week we have been reading the story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' by Judith Kerr.

We have looked at the pictures closely and have acted out the story in small groups.

One day there was a ring on the doorbell...there was a tiger at the door!
Drinking all of the water from the tap....
We then planned and wrote our own short stories, this time about an animal that turns up at OUR doors and causes a few problems...!

On Tuesday we were Nature Detectives and went around the school grounds to see what creatures live here with us. We talked a lot about their different habitats (homes) and why they might like to live where they do. 

Look who we found...!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 5th October

This week your home learning is to find words using the sounds we have been focusing on this week: 
Year 1 - igh (as in night) oo (as in spoon or book) oa (as in boat) and ar (as in car)
Year 2 - different ways of writing the 'air' sound (air as in chair, ear as in bear or are as in share)

Can you find any words with these sounds in in your reading book or in a book of your own from home? What words can you remember from our phonics sessions this week?

Friday, 22 September 2017

Thank you so much to everyone that came to our Harvest Festival this morning and to all the food donated!

In our English this week we have been learning the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' and adding some actions to help us remember the story and characters. We have sequenced pictures and added labels and captions and today did our first 'Big Write', retelling the story. 
Some children produced some absolutely lovely work which they should be very proud of - especially Year 1 who worked really hard on their writing today!

Look out for some examples on our 'Wonderful Writing' walls!

In Maths we have been practising counting forwards AND backwards and showing numbers in different ways using lots of resources and drawing our own 'representations'.

Year 1 have been working with smaller numbers ....
Here some children showed worked together to show numbers to 10 in 4 different ways!

Year 2 have been challenging themselves with some bigger 2-digit numbers....
                                Can you show 67 in 3 ways?



Home Learning
Due Thursday 28th September

This week we have been reading the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and thinking about harvest time.
Please choose any 2 of the challenges based on this theme (stuck in your books) to complete this week.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Welcome back everyone and well done for settling in to your new class with your new friends so well! 

Each morning we have a 'check-in circle' and we spend some time listening to how we are all feeling that day. We know we do not have to say anything if we do not want but our friends will always listen to us if we do.
We are pleased to hear so many children say they are happy and enjoying their time in Class 2 so far!

In Maths this week we have been focusing on number - counting forwards and backwards from 0 or 1 and thinking about the order of numbers.
We have also been grouping and counting objects and using lots of resources to show what numbers might 'look like'.

Here are some fantastic examples from today's lesson:
The challenge was to show a number in at least 4 ways - some of us used counters or cubes, or even our fingers!

 Year 2 had an extra challenge - to write the number in words AND show the number using Base 10 (or 'chips and peas' as we call it in Class 2!). 
I am super impressed with everyone's understanding of this after only a few lessons!

In English we have been remembering how to write sentences with the correct punctuation and to use our phonics to help us if we get stuck with spelling a new word.
We created our own superheroes and wrote about what they look like and what their super power might be. 
Everyone has also been putting in lots of effort with their handwriting - we are starting to learn how to write letters correctly ready for joining our handwriting later on!

Home Learning:
We will be sending home learning from next week.

Your home learning this week is to make sure you read with an adult at home and have them record this is your new Reading Diary. 

We will be starting our Reading Reward Chart on Monday!