A huge thank you to everyone that came today for our Children in Need Ramble and Cake Sale - it was great to see so many children enjoying the afternoon sunshine with their families and hopefully we have raised a good amount for the Children in Need charity and also some to put into our play equipment fund!
We have had another busy week this week and have been using our maths resources to help us add 2 numbers together. In Year 2 we were using equipment like Numicon and Base 10 ('chips and peas'!) to help us check Mrs Flynn's work - we had to work out and then, more importantly, prove whether each calculation was right or wrong!
Some children demonstrated some absolutely super thinking skills, well done!
"12 add 4 isn't 18, it should be 16, look!" |
"3 = 8 - 5 - that one is right because I can get 8 then cover up 5 and I have 3 left!" |
I was amazed by some of the descriptive language used this week 😊
Home Learning
Due Thursday 23rd November
Your home learning is to complete the adjectives activity that is stuck into your home learning books.
See if you can use the most interesting describing word you can think of for each one!