Friday, 18 May 2018

In science we have been thinking about the weather and seasonal changes - the windy days this week were perfect for making and testing wind socks outside!

Our maths work this week has been continuing to practice finding fractions of shapes and numbers - halves (1/2) and quarters (1/2), plus thirds (1/3) for Year 2.we hav
We have done lots of practice to make sure our parts / groups are all EQUAL for each fraction.

We have been busy writing letters too, using our book 'Where the Wild Things are' to help us - first we wrote to Max to help him not to feel so sad and lonely then we pretended to be Max and wrote letters to mum to say sorry for being naughty and causing mischief! 
Finally we wrote letters to the Wild Things to explain why we left so suddenly and that we did enjoy our time with them, but we just wanted to go and see our family again.

In the Golden Book this week were Victory - for putting such enthusiasm and effort into her work, especially her writing, recently - and Siena for an absolutely FANTASTIC Big Write to retell the story 'Where the Wild Things are' last week - you even remembered all of the different punctuation we learned whilst practising the story! 

Home Learning
Due Thursday 24th May

Your home learning this week is some practice finding fractions of shapes and numbers, to help you remember what we have learned this week in maths.
These are stuck into home learning books as usual however if you need help or another copy please see me before Thursday. 

No new spellings this week, please just spend some time practising some of this terms words to make sure you are really confident!

Friday, 11 May 2018

We have been thinking about making our writing more interesting this week and adding lots of adjectives (describing words) and different punctuation to our work, such as commas (,) and exclamation marks (!). 

We have finished the week with a 'Big Write' retelling the story 'Where the Wild Things are' and I am so impressed with the effort some children put into their writing today, I am excited to read them all over the weekend!

We have continued our work on fractions this week and have been thinking about dividing or 'sharing' shapes and numbers into quarters - 4 equal parts or groups.

Last week we composed some music using some different instruments for our own 'rumpus' from Where the Wild Things are and this week we continued thinking about this part of the story in our PE lesson!
We choreographed some moves to go with this, making the 'music' with parts of our bodies. We stamped our feet, clapped our hands and experimented in lots of different ways to make new and interesting sounds.

We also had 2 very scary 'Wild Things' as part of this groups performance!!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 17th May

This weeks home learning is a fractions task to identify fractions and find quarters of some different groups of objects. 

These are stuck into your home learning books but please see me before next Thursday if you need a copy or if you are not sure what to do.

Friday, 4 May 2018

This week we have been continuing with our work on our book 'Where the Wild Things are' and have been using our storymap and some actions to help us retell the story - including the punctuation!
Why not have another practice at home over the weekend!

We have also been working on our descriptive writing and have been thinking about how the characters might be feeling at different times in the story and about how we can use interesting words to help us describe the settings and characters. We have had some absolutely brilliant writing this week and Year 1 have impressed me by challenging themselves to try to use commas and expanded noun phrases in their writing!

This earned Lily C a place in the Golden Book this week - I was blown away by your lovely descriptions Lily, well done!

We finished our week by discussing what we thought a 'rumpus' was - we decided we thought it was a bit like a party or a parade and then about what we might do, see and hear at a rumpus.....

.....before creating our own, complete with music and dancing!!! Great fun!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 10th May

Your home learning for this week is to complete the activity about the story 'Where the Wild Things are' - please do not rewrite the whole story, the template (in your home learning books) is designed to just record the key details of the story.

Please see me if you need another copy of the template: