This week we have been thinking about what we have learned this year and as well as having a busy week of assessments, Year 1 have been thinking about all of the sounds they know in phonics and the rules we know to help them decide which sound to use in a word.
Here we are sorting 'ou' and 'ow' words .... we worked out that usually if the sound is at the end of the word we use the 'ow' spelling but if it is in the middle or the start then we often use the 'ou' spelling.
We have been continuing to work on our boxes this week to create our own setting from 'Where the Wild Things are' - these are looking absolutely brilliant and are nearly finished and ready to be displayed!
We have started to plan our own versions of the story, changing the characters and how we get to the place where the Wild Things are!
We are drawing our own story maps and writing key words and sentences to help us plan out our story before we begin to write it up neatly to create a finished 'book' in the next few weeks.
Alex was in the Golden Book this week for consistently putting lots of effort into all of his learning and tackling a very tricky maths problem methodically and thoughtfully which allowed him to find the answer!
Home Learning
Due Thursday 5th July
This week your home learning is a Peter Rabbit 'telling the time' activity to practice what we have been learning in class about how to tell the time.
As always these are stuck into your home learning books but please see me if you need another copy or you are not sure what to do.