Friday, 20 July 2018

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

We all hope you have a lovely relaxing summer holiday, have lots of fun and can spend some time with your loved ones.

If you wanted to do anything over the holiday you could look back at the spelling words for your year group that you should now be more confident with :

You could also play some of the free phonics games on Phonics Play 

Don't forget you can still play 'Teach your monster to read' too! 

There are some good maths games on:

See you all in September! 

Friday, 13 July 2018

We enjoyed our trip to the zoo on Tuesday very much! 

We saw lots of different animals and had lots of fun.
I am very proud of all of the children, as they all behaved beautifully and kept themselves and each other safe. WELL DONE!

Here are just a few of the photographs we took...

There were some other 'strange creatures' too ..... !

Back at school we have been focusing on money and now that we are confident recognising coins, we have started to practice making different totals using these coins. 

No home learning this week - please go out and have some fun with your family and enjoy the lovely weather! ☺

Friday, 6 July 2018

We have been thinking about money in maths this week and have been revising which coins we know and how we can write these amounts, remembering the correct symbols too for pounds and pence!

We have also been finishing off our story maps to plan our own version of 'Where the Wild Things are' in preparation for creating our own books in the next 2 weeks.

Well done to all of the children for a fantastic sports day yesterday! We had some exciting (very close!) races and great sportsmanship and lots of fun too.

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 12th July

Your home learning this week is to practice the spelling words sent this term to make sure you are really confident with reading and writing these words.

The words are stuck into your home learning books however please let me know if you would like another copy of the list. You could also check your reading diaries as these have been stuck in weekly all term.

Don't forget our trip to Banham Zoo on Tuesday!

Please could children come in school uniform - trainers can be worn instead of school shoes if they are more comfortable as we will be doing quite a bit of walking. 

School hats will be provided unless children wish to bring their own.

Please remember a packed lunch unless one has been ordered from Mrs Kett and ALL children will need to bring plenty to drink (even if your child is having a school dinner).