Year 2 have been learning abut silent letters this week.
g (gnome, gnash)
k (knee, knock)
w (write, wrist)
b (lamb, thumb)
We have been working hard to think about the spelling patterns of these words and writing them in clear, correctly punctuated sentences which make sense.
Year 1 have been revising the 'oo' sound (moon) and learning new ways of writing this sound
ue (blue)
ew (screw)
We have been completing end of term assessments this week so all of the children have been working really hard showing what they have learned so far this year. Well done to everyone for trying their best.
Amongst the assessments we have started getting 'festive' - we have learned all about the celebration of Advent and talked about how this is celebrated in different places. We also looked closely at the Advent Wreath which will be displayed in churches during advent and made our own paper versions.
Today the whole class worked together to create a paper chain that went all the way around the classroom!
Great teamwork and enthusiasm from everyone - well done!
In the GOLDEN BOOK this week were :
Lucas for always putting in lots of effort and tackling any task with a smile and great attitude and Eden for persevering with her learning this week even when she was finding things rather tricky - well done for not giving up!
Home Learning
Due Thursday 6th December
Following on from our work on Advent this week, your home learning is a reading comprehension task. Read through the facts about Advent (which you should remember from our lessons also) and then answer the questions about what you read.
These are stuck into Home Learning books as usual and there is a different text for Year 1 and Year 2 - please let me know if you need a copy or you are not sure what to do
Parents - please could encourage your child to read as independently as possible and sound out any unfamiliar words, rather than just reading the text to them, thank you!
Of course, if they get really stuck, please feel free to help them out!