Saturday, 26 January 2019

This week we have had some maths lessons with a difference and have been using what we have learned about shapes to help us complete lots of problem solving tasks.

It has been lovely to see such enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards our learning this week as a result of these tasks!

We have continued our work on the book 'The snail and the whale' too, and have spent some time thinking about the main events in the story and reordering pictures and writing sentences to help us with this.

Martha was in the Golden Book this week for showing such focus and enthusiasm towards all her her learning - well done!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 31st January

Over the past 2 weeks we have been thinking about 2D and 3D shapes in Maths.
Your home learning task this week is to go on a hunt for some 2D and 3D shapes, either at home or whilst out and about!
Please either draw pictures, take photographs or make a list of what you find and where you found it, as well as saying what shape(s) you see.

Year 2 – how can you group the shapes? Can you label each group?

HINT – think about the properties of the shapes - for example – you could put all the 3D shapes with a curved face together!

Sunday, 20 January 2019

This week we have been learning lots of new ways to write sounds we already know - for example 'oo' as split 'u_e' .....

... 'ie' written as split 'i_e' .....

....and different ways of writing 'soft c' which makes the 'ss' sound!

After looking at 2D shapes last week, this week we have been thinking about 3D "fat" shapes and their properties - how many faces, edges and vertices (corners) they have.

Year 1 went for a shape hunt around the school and found lots of examples.


Thank you to everyone that attended out 'Times Tables Rockstars' share morning on Thursday - it was great to have so many parents involved and see the children so enthusiastic.
You should all have a log-in stuck into your reading diary and this was also sent home in a letter on Friday, with a reminder of the information given on Thursday and some further tips and advice.
Please let me know if you are having trouble with logging in or playing the games 😕 or if you were not able to attend the share and you would like to come in for a demonstration to help you get the most out of this program. 

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 24th January 

Your homework this week is to practice your times tables. 

There are 2 tasks this week:

1) Practice ‘Stick ‘em up’ with someone at home for the 2x and 10x tables
You could teach a grown-up how to do it or practice with an older brother or sister or a friend, so that they can check how you get on.

2) Log on to Times Tables Rockstars and have a practice of one of the games.

You all now have a log-in stuck into your reading journals and also have had a letter sent home to remind you of these details incase you have forgotten.

If you are not able to access the game via the website or app and you need a chance to use a school laptop please let Mrs Flynn know BEFORE next Thursday so we can make some time.

Friday, 11 January 2019

We have had such a busy first week back, the time has just flown by!

We decided that we needed some new class rules to keep ourselves safe and happy in school. We came up with a class promise and we all decorated a handprint (adults too!) as a sign that we promise to do these things.

We have been thinking about 2D ('flat') shapes this week - we have been reminding ourselves of the shapes we already know and learning the names of some new ones too! We have also been thinking carefully about the properties of each shape, asking questions like : How many sides do they have? How many vertices (corners)?

We are working on the book 'The Snail and the Whale' over the next few weeks and have been discussing the story and thinking about the meaning of new words, as well as looking carefully at the characters and their feelings at different times in the story.

We have been reviewing the book too - giving our opinions about what we liked or disliked and why.

We also drew our favourite part of the story and wrote sentences using 'because' to justify our opinions. 

Today we found out what it might be like to be a beached whale...!

Also in English this week we have been working on correcting and improving simple sentences. Mrs Flynn wrote some really boring sentences and had forgotten ALL of the punctuation, so the challenge was to make it correct and much more interesting!

Eleanor was in the Golden Book this week for always putting so much enthusiasm into her learning and for consistently trying her best and taking her time with each task. Well done!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 17th January

Your home learning this week is to 'review' a book from home (or you can use your school reading book instead if you would like).

Tell me a little bit about the story and characters and write/draw about your favourite part.

There is a template (below) stuck into each home learning book however if you need another copy please let me know.