Wednesday, 20 February 2019

We ended the very busy term with a topic week - each day we did activity or activities from a different continent that we have learned about during the past few weeks.

Pizza making (Italy - Europe)

 Tangram Puzzles (China - Asia)


The excitement (and relief!) of solving the puzzle!

Rainshakers (Australia - Aborigines)

'Moose' pictures (North America) 
(based on the work of John Nieto, inspired by the North American Traditional Tale 'The Hunter's Promise') 

Worry Dolls (Guatemala - South America)


Our 'Antarctica' activity was an ice experiment in Science, investigating how to melt ice the quickest. We had some lovely scientific thinking - have a look in our science books and see what we found out next time you visit our classroom!

We have also started some artwork inspired by African animals which we will continue after half term.

Home Learning - 

Your home learning over the half term is to make sure you can spell last terms spelling words correctly, we are hoping to see the majority of these being spelt accurately in independent writing in the coming weeks.
Please let Mrs Flynn know if you need another copy of the list of words - these were stuck into all home learning books on the last day of term.

Have a lovely break and enjoy the warmer weather! 

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Year 1 have been learning some much trickier sounds over the past few weeks - here is an example of their hard work! Everyone is beginning to write really lovely sentences now, well done!

In Year 2 this week we have been focusing on multiplication ( X ) and making equal groups in lots of different ways to practice.

On Friday we had our special multi-skills PE session with Premier Sports - lots of following instructions, careful moving and teamwork - well done everyone!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 7th February

Your home learning this week is a task about ADJECTIVES - describing words that make our sentences more interesting.

Year 1

Year 2