Sunday, 31 March 2019

What a busy week!

We have been measuring in Class 2 this week - we started off thinking about the language we need to use when measuring and the difference between length and height then moved on to measuring lots of objects around the classroom. 

Year 1 have been measuring lots of objects using non-standard units - things like cubes.

We are still enjoying our book 'One Day on Our Blue Planet on the Savannah' and have been thinking like scientists and classifying (sorting) African animals into groups - we thought of our own ways to sort the animals - can you guess how these have been grouped?

Our information posters and booklets about lions have been finished and look great - here are a few examples of the fantastic work on display in our classroom...

We have been making the most of being able to get out into the school grounds too and have been looking for patterns in nature - we found some great examples!

Eleanor and Mary were in the Golden Book this week for always trying their best and for frequently challenging themselves to do just a little bit more or a trickier challenge - great attitudes, well done girls!

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 4th April

This week you have a reading comprehension task about Spring - these are different for Year 1 and 2 and are stuck into your home learning books as usual - please see me if you need help or another copy.

Friday, 22 March 2019

We have started to explore plants and nature as part of our topic and this week in science we looked at some different seeds, flowers and berries and talked about how plants disperse their seeds to give them the best chance to grow. 

We then made our own 'helicopter seeds' and tested them outside in the breeze to help us see how they travel - great fun!

We have been exploring patterns this week too and have been copying, continuing, editing, correcting and creating lots of different patterns.

In pairs we have been working hard on collecting facts about lions and then creating posters or booklets with the things we have learned in which we will be displaying in the classroom once they are finished - they are looking fantastic! 

Home Learning
Due Thursday 28th March 

This is also stuck into home learning books as normal - please let me know if you need another copy or you are not sure what to do.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Thank you to everyone that donated money for Comic Relief during our non-uniform day on Friday! 
We hope to have raised lots for this great charity and had lots of fun dressing up in red or just enjoying wearing our own clothes for the day.

This week we have really been making sure that we can count in 2s, 5s and 10s more confidently in Maths.

Here is a fantastic example of one of the Year 1s showing they can count in 5s using Numicon!

We had had a few people turn 6 in the last couple of weeks so on Friday we had a special challenge - showing '6' in as many ways as we could! 
We worked in pairs and every time someone did some 'clever thinking' or 'thought outside the box' they rang the special bell to show the class that some great thinking was happening in their team - the winning team won 5 house points each and a special shiny sticker!
I was absolutely wowed by the determination everyone showed to make sure their work was fantastic enough to ring the bell!

We used resources....

....wrote calculations (number sentences)....

... and drew things to show different representations of the number 6!

The winning pair were Lily and Eleanor who really thought hard about all the different ways they could show me 6 - AMAZING! 

This week we have also enjoyed planning journeys and routes around the world, finding out facts about lions, having a go at some coding on the computers and learning to play Boggle!

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 21st March

Your home learning is to have another go at Boggle using the letters in the grid below - see how many words you an create! 
Can you create some words using 4 or more letters?

Sunday, 10 March 2019

This week we have been working hard on learning our times tables. 

Year 2 have been continuing to use arrays to help them solve any multiplication calculation. We have also learned about 'the commutitive law of multiplication' - you can multiply two numbers in either order and the answer will be the same!

Year 1 have been practising their counting in 2s and the 2 times table by creating their own multiplication number lines using lots of different resources.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations the whole school focused on the same book this week - One Day on our Blue Planet in the Savannah. 

We have learned a little about what it is like to be a lion cub in the Savannah and have written a story about what we get up to each day. 

The whole school also created a huge mural in the hall of lots of African animals which we designed and made over two afternoons, splitting into our house colour teams.

For World Book Day on Thursday we enjoyed a day in our pyjamas and shared some of our favourite books together.

Home Learning
Due Thursday 14th March

Your home learning this week is practising the number and multiplication facts we have been learning over the past 2 weeks. Both activities are stuck into home learning books - please let me know if you are not sure what to do or you need another copy.

Year 1 need to complete the missing numbers in the 100 square and then colour the multiples of 2 and 10.

Year 2 will need to draw arrays to prove the answers to the multiplication calculations given.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Welcome back - we have had a really busy week in Class 2, continuing with our topic 'What a wonderful world' by learning about hot and cold climates and where they are located on maps and globes. We have learned lots of new words like Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere. Equator and about different tropical, hot, cold or changeable or temperate climates around the world.

We then moved on to thinking about which different kinds of animals live in each area and what the environment(s) might look like here too.

In Maths this week we have been busy practising our 2 and 10 times tables to make sure we are really confident!

In Year 2 we have also been learning how to work out ANY multiplication question, using ARRAYS.

First we used counters to create these...
...then we moved on to drawing them!

Some children were enjoying this so much they wanted to do some more in their choosing time on Friday afternoon - it has been lovely to see such enthusiasm! 😀

Year 1 have been thinking about how 2 digit numbers are made up - how many tens and how many ones.
We have been starting to use lots of different resources to help us with this - beadstrings, 100 squares, dienes (base 10 or 'chips and peas') and even tens frames .

Golden Book 
In the Golden Book this Friday were Draedyn for independently remembering his capital letters, full stops and most importantly finger spaces this week and Logan for remembering all the new vocabulary we have learned this week and being able to explain the meaning clearly to others. 


Home Learning
Due Thursday 7th March

* SORRY - we were so busy celebrating everyone's achievements on Friday afternoon in Golden Book assembly that we ran over time and so all of the home learning books were left behind! I will pop a note into all of your reading journals to remind you of this weeks task on Monday*

Please spend some time practising your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars - I have set up a battle between Year 1 and Year 2 to see which team can earn the most points - the winning year group will win extra playtime on Friday!

If you do not have access to the game at home please let me know BEFORE THURSDAY so I can arrange for you to play on one of the school laptops.