What a busy week!
We have been measuring in Class 2 this week - we started off thinking about the language we need to use when measuring and the difference between length and height then moved on to measuring lots of objects around the classroom.
Year 1 have been measuring lots of objects using non-standard units - things like cubes.
We are still enjoying our book 'One Day on Our Blue Planet on the Savannah' and have been thinking like scientists and classifying (sorting) African animals into groups - we thought of our own ways to sort the animals - can you guess how these have been grouped?
Our information posters and booklets about lions have been finished and look great - here are a few examples of the fantastic work on display in our classroom...
We have been making the most of being able to get out into the school grounds too and have been looking for patterns in nature - we found some great examples!
Eleanor and Mary were in the Golden Book this week for always trying their best and for frequently challenging themselves to do just a little bit more or a trickier challenge - great attitudes, well done girls!
Home Learning
Due Thursday 4th April
This week you have a reading comprehension task about Spring - these are different for Year 1 and 2 and are stuck into your home learning books as usual - please see me if you need help or another copy.