Friday, 24 May 2019

We have had a lovely last day of term today - we spent some of our morning solving the 'Mystery of the minibeasts' using our phonics and spelling skills - someone had stolen all the flowers from the garden and we had to solve each clue to work out which minibeast was the culprit!

To finish our work on the book '10 things we can do to help our planet' we thought about what we valued the most in our natural world and drew some of the things we thought we should try to save.
We then read the poem 'Treasures' by Clare Bevan and wrote our own poem in this style - some BRILLIANT work!

Lots of people tried hard to walk to school this week - we had more than half of the class walking every day which is great! We have agreed that it would be good to try and walk more often if we can - even if it is only part of the way if we live a little further from school.

Finally, we decided to help the birds over the half term as we know that lots of baby chicks are hatching and the mummy and daddy birds are busy feeding at this time of year.
We made two types of bird feeders - suet cakes (which all the children have taken home) and also some that used golden syrup and bird seed on cardboard tubes - we have hung these up in the trees and bushes in the school field so hopefully the birds will enjoy these over the coming days.

In the GOLDEN BOOK this week were Lydia for making such fantastic progress with her writing over the past term (her Treasures poem is posted above!) and the whole of Year 2 for working so hard over the last few weeks and tackling all of the tricky challenges (and some fun ones!) I have given them. I am very proud of all of you!

We sadly said 'goodbye' to Lucian today who is moving to another school, we wish him lots of luck in his new house and hope he soon settles in to his new class too.

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 6th June

This half term I would really like you to enjoy spending time with your family and friends. 

So, for your home learning I would like you to write about something that you enjoyed doing over the half term – whether it was going out for a special day or just spending some time having fun at home. You can include photos or draw a picture too if you would like!

Please also practice your spelling words from this half-term and read your reading book(s).

I have set up a ‘battle’ on TimesTables Rockstars between Year 1 and 2 that runs from 4pm on Friday 24th May to 8pm Sunday 2nd June – extra housepoints will be given to anyone who participates and there will be a special reward for the winning year group!

Friday, 17 May 2019

We have been continuing looking at ways to help our world this week and have made some 'flap' posters that were inspired by the style of the book '10 things I can do to help our world' 

Also this week we have  made some 'rot pots' to look at the impact of throwing away different types of rubbish on our planet. 

We put some different types of rubbish (food, newspaper, tea bags, fabric and plastic) into pots along with some soil and a little water and have popped them on our windowsill to see which will decompose and turn to compost over the next few weeks.....

Home Learning
Due Thursday 23rd May

As we have been thinking about sorting out the things we throw away so they can be reused or recycled this week, your home learning this week is to think a little more about this.

Cut out and stick the pictures next to the correct ‘bin’ on the page (or write the name of each item in the correct box if you like) to show how they should be sorted. Colour the pictures too, if you wish!

Please see me if you need a copy of the activity (which is stuck in home learning books as usual) or if you are not sure what to do.

Please note there were no new spelling words given this week but we will be spot checking words we have already learned next week, so please spend some time practising these over the weekend.

Friday, 10 May 2019

In our session with Mike from One Life Suffolk this week we were looking at the types of food we might have for breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks.

In groups we had to run and find a food from the pile in the middle that fit into our category.

We then sorted the foods into 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' piles within each groups and talked about what is best to eat for each meal/snack-time.

In Art Club we started to make our clay tiles to go in our outdoor area - they are looking amazing and we can't wait to paint them in a few weeks time. 

A HUGE THANK YOU to Ben (Martha's daddy) and Alice (Mary's mummy) for giving up their time and expertise to help us with this project!

This week have been reading the book '10 things I can do to help my world' by Melanie Walsh and thinking about all of the things we do (or should do!) to help look after our planet a little better.

First we generated our own ideas and then looked at the suggestions in the book and as a result have written some fantastic "bossy" (command) sentences to tell other people what they need to do too!

We have started to make some information posters which include flaps, inspired by the style the book is written in. We have each chosen one of the sentences we came up with and have also included some information as to WHY it is helpful to our world to do that activity. 

In the GOLDEN BOOK this week were Angus for always working hard and looking for an extra challenge and Siena for 'wow-ing' me with her speedy maths skills this week!
Well done!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 16th May 2019

This week we have been reading the book ’10 things I can do to help my world’ by Melanie Walsh. In it are 10 simple ideas of things we can do to look after our planet better, such as turning off the tap when you brush your teeth.

Write a list of the things you do (or things you COULD do!) at home to help take care of our world more and see if you can explain or find out why it is helpful to our world do each activity.

You could also draw pictures or take some photographs to show us some of the things you do if you like!

Monday, 6 May 2019

This week we have been working really hard on dividing in Class 2 - sharing into equal groups.

We began by using resources to help us see the groups.....

... then we moved on to drawing things to help us work out the answers to calculations - just incase we didn't have any resources available to help us!

We had a special challenge on Friday - we had lots of pots on the tables containing different numbers of animal pictures - we had to work out how we could divide them up equally and then write a number sentence to go with it - it was tricky but everyone did so well, WOW!!

We sadly also said goodbye to Miss Neal on Friday - we will miss her lots but hope she enjoys her new job.

We are pleased to share that we will be welcoming Miss Knott to work with us in Class 2 in the next few weeks - the children have had a bit of time to meet her and we are looking forward to seeing her again and getting to know her. 

Miss Pace will be joining Class 1 (Reception) and working with Mrs Storer and Miss Welby along with Mrs Webb (until she has her baby) and Mrs Cox.

All of the staff and children are looking forward to getting to know them both in the coming weeks and we are sure that they will fit brilliantly into our Wenhaston family.

We are so excited to announce that Mrs Jenkins has had a beautiful baby girl, born on Friday morning. She is gorgeous and both mummy and baby are doing well. 
Congratulations from us all! 

Home Learning
Due Thursday 9th May

This weeks home learning task is to solve the division calculations that are stuck into your home learning books.  
Please see me before Thursday if you need another copy or some help if you are not sure what to do.

A reminder that home learning is always given on a Friday and should be handed in on the following Thursday. Thank you