Friday, 28 June 2019

Today we had our afternoon with the Blyth Woods group. We had a nice walk down to Vicarage Grove and had a look at the trees some of the older children planted a few years ago. 

They are growing really well, so we helped removed some of the plastic shelters and cut down some of the weeds. We then put down some straw as mulch to keep the roots nice and moist.

We then came back to school to weed and mulch our own tree nursery in the front car park - well done to everyone for their hard work this afternoon! A huge thank you to all the parents who came along too, it was lovely to have so many of you join us this afternoon.

We had a bit of a different day on Monday - as part of our learning about where our food comes from, we discovered how milk is made into cheese.

We then made some cheese biscuits in our groups, carefully weighing out the ingredients and following the method ourselves. 

We then tried some different cheeses - cheddar, Wensleydale, mozzarella, feta and goats cheese - some we liked and some we didn't! Some people were very brave and tried some things they had never had before and thought they wouldn't like - some people even found a new favourite type of cheese!

In the afternoon we had a special challenge - Mrs Flynn had made us some boxes of food, but we had to make sure that it was split equally into quarters or halves so that everyone had the same amount of each item, as part of our work on fractions. Everyone managed it - and enjoyed eating it all afterwards - great teamwork!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 4th July

Your home learning this week is a comprehension task based on what we have learned this week about making cheese. You will need to read the information and answer the questions - these are stuck into home learning books as normal, please see me if you get stuck or need another copy.

Please can any outstanding money/reply slips for our Foxborrow Farm trip be returned to the office as soon as possible next week, thank you!

Sunday, 23 June 2019

We are all really enjoying our story set in India and this week have been looking at the different language the writer uses at different points in the story. 
We found one part where they had included lots of actions in just 3 or 4 sentences so we realised that helped add to the excitement - we had a go at acting it out and found we had to do some things all at once to keep up!

The pumpkin in the story is growing bigger and bigger - and then there is a huge storm which the main character, Pattan, was really worried about. So, we wrote letters to him to give him some advice about what he could try to do to save himself and his animals.

To reflect on what we have been reading we have evaluated what we think of the book so far :

We have been recapping lots of the alternate spelling patterns we have learned that make the same sound this week - here we were practising the different ways of using the long 'oo' sound...

Home Learning
Due Thursday 27th June

This week we have been thinking about what makes ‘a family’ and talking about the fact that all families are very different but they are all there to support and love each other no matter what.
You all shared some really thoughtful ideas during our lesson and so for your home learning this week I would like you to tell me more about what the word ‘family’ means to you.
You could use these questions to help you think about this ….

Who is in your family?
Do you think pets can be a member of a family?
Why do we have families?
How does it feel to be part of a family? How do you feel when you are with your family?
Why is your family special?

You can also draw some members of your family if you would like!

* Don't forget our Blyth Woods afternoon is this Friday (28th June) and our Foxburrow Farm Trip is on Monday 8th July - please return all permission slips as soon as possible, thank you! *

Friday, 14 June 2019

This week we have been continuing to think about where our food comes from and we looked at Devon, wondering why Devon has so many dairy farms.
We looked at the landscape and the weather and decided that they were both just right to help grass grow the best, which is why many farmers keep cows in this part of the country.

In our Maths we have been continuing our work on fractions and have been splitting shapes and numbers into quarters (1/4)

We did some "predicting" about our new book too - we are only part-way through and the pumpkin that is growing is getting bigger and bigger .... so on Thursday I challenged everyone to write the rest of the story using their ideas about what might happen next and how it might end!


I was so proud of the writing that was produced - some examples are below but the whole class received 2 house points each for their super writing!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 20th June

Home Learning this week for both Year 1 and Year 2 is a few activities to practice finding quarters (1/4) of numbers. This is stuck into your home learning books as normal.

Please also practice your spelling words and read your reading book to an adult.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Welcome back - I hope everyone had a great half term!

We have been working hard on our reading comprehension skills over the past few weeks and this week we had a longer text to read. We read it to ourselves and then re-read it again with our talk partners to help take in the information and so we could help each other with tricky words.

This week we have begun work on our new text for this term - after some careful thinking and looking at some clues we know we are reading a story set in India and have started to explore what we think about some of the characters and plot. We have also been working on our describing language based on some of the images..

With our talk partners we also thought about what we know about India and what we would like to know.  

In Maths we have been thinking about finding half ( 1/2 ) of a shape or number. Here are some examples of Year 1 checking halves of quantities.

Home Learning
Due Thursday 13th June 

Year 1 - your task this week is to practice finding half, split and colour each shape into 2 equal parts.

Year 2 - you have some practice using different types of nouns this week - remember that proper nouns always need capital letters! 

Both tasks are stuck into home learning books - please see me if you need any help with this.