Friday 19 July 2019

This week we have been practising our skills using coins to make different amounts.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that there is no coin for some amounts - for example, 7p - so we have to think hard to make these using coins we do have. 
Great perseverance from everyone - some of the totals were rather tricky!

We have had a great week learning lots more facts about India and about some of the beliefs and traditions that people that live there have. 

Here we are creating some Henna designs and Rangoli patterns....

Today we even had a go at sketching the Taj Mahal!


Please could all children bring in a carrier bag on or before WEDNESDAY next week (23rd July). On the last day of term we will be emptying our trays and sending home lots of work from this year, so children will need something extra to put all of their belongings in to carry them home.
Thank you

No home learning this week - have a lovely weekend!

Friday 12 July 2019

On Monday we went on our trip to Foxburrow Farm. We had a great day learning about lots of different things, from crops and their seeds, to how to make oil and grinding flour to make bread and looking at the different habitats of the wildlife living on the farm.

Here are just a few highlights of the trip - a great time was had by all!



Thank you to everyone that came and supported the children at Sports Day on Thursday, all the children tried their best and won lots of stickers and house points for their teams.

In the afternoon we had a very special art lesson, which Ben (Martha's dad) and Alice (Mary's mum) kindly led - thank you so much, the children (and adults!) really enjoyed trying out some different skills and learning some more about different artists.


Still life

In the GOLDEN BOOK this week were Georgie for a super piece of independent writing and Lily C and Eleanor for being so helpful and responsible around the classroom and always offering to be my 'special helpers'.  WELL DONE EVERYONE!

There is no extra home learning this week but please make sure you read your school reading book and practice your spellings over the weekend.