Friday, 31 January 2020

We have been continuing our work on Rapunzel this week and have been making potions and spells and writing poetry to describe what our spells might do.

We also talked about how Rapunzel might feel as she escaped from the tower and went outside to explore what she might be able to see, hear, smell and touch and came up with some amazing adjectives!

Also this week we have been working on our times tables, Year 1 have been counting in 2s and Year 2 have been using arrays to solve tricky multiplication word problems.

Today we had a special lesson on 'The Art of Mathematics', exploring line and shape through some paintings by the artist Kadinsky.

We talked about what mathematical characteristics we could see in each one.

We looked at this painting for 6 seconds then had to draw exactly what we remembered ……

We then created our own mathematical masterpieces...

Home Learning
Due Thursday 6th February

Activities are stuck into home learning books as normal, please let us know if you are not sure what to do.

Year 1

Year 2

Please also read your reading book and practise your spellings (stuck in reading journals).

Friday, 24 January 2020

Year 2 have been working on multiplication this week using arrays - we began by using counters to help us and then drew them once we got more confident. 

Year 1 have been exploring tens and ones this week, using tens frames, bead strings and 'chips and peas' (dienes or base 10).

We also continued our work on materials by going on a hunt around the school to find different materials and work out what they are used for - and why!

Ruby and Kim were in the Golden Book this week for working really hard and challenging themselves this week in their maths learning - well done!

Home Learning 
Due Thursday 30th January

Home Learning tasks are stuck into home learning books as usual - please also remember to read your school reading book and practice your spellings over the weekend.

Year 1

Year 2

Friday, 17 January 2020

It has been a super busy week in Class 2 this week and we have seen some great learning and thinking from the children!

Here we are showing numbers in 10s and 1s using bead strings and tens frames....

.....and making equal groups with lots of different resources.....

Year 2 have been linking repeated addition ( 2 + 2 + 2) to multiplication (3 x 2) and showing and writing this in lots of different ways....

We had another visit from Mr S this week and he talked to us about what thinking actually means.
Thank you to all the families that voted for our learning dispositions.

We also had some other special visitors this week who wanted to see what we were learning and all of the children were so polite and enthusiastic when they spoke to then, we are very proud of their attitudes!

As a well done for all their hard work this week - and every week - we walked down to the common and stopped off at the shop for some special treats...!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 23rd January

This weeks home learning is an activity to help practice writing sentences and adjectives - these are stuck into your home learning books as usual but please let me know if you need another copy or are not sure what to do.

Please also read your school reading book and practice your spelling words (in reading journals).

Have a lovely weekend!

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Welcome back!

This week we launched our 'Turrets and Tiaras' topic.

Firstly we thought about what we already knew about castles and made some medieval gingerbread!

Then we talked about how castles were protected from enemies and investigated what the best material might be for projectiles to be launched at castle walls - we saw some great scientific investigation skills!

In maths we have been recognising and making equal groups in Year 2 - here are all the ways we could think of (in 5 minutes) to show 4 groups of 3 ....

We have been practising counting in Year 1 and starting to think about how many 10s and how many 1s are in 2 digit numbers. 
Here we have been representing these numbers using a bead string.

No home learning this week - this will be sent home next week.

Please make sure you read your reading book and practice your spelling words as normal.