Friday, 23 September 2016

We have had such a busy week in Class 2 this week, so the days have just flown by!

We continued our work on 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey and invented new characters and settings for our own story, which we have started to plan out ready for writing next week. I am super impressed with everyone's ideas about what the 'problem' would be in their story and how it might be fixed. I am looking forward to reading the completed stories next week!

In Maths we have been working on number bonds to 10 and 20 and have been practicing counting on from 5 or 10. 

The children have really been enjoying our 'Space' topic so far and we have lots more learning to fit in before half term. 
This week we watched a clip of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon and talked lots about what it would be like to be an astronaut and go into space. We pretended to visit the moon and wrote postcards home to tell our friends or family about what we saw, heard and felt.

Golden Book - 
This week Reuben was in our Golden Book for consistent effort and enthusiasm in all areas, as well as making sure he completes the work set in each lesson. WELL DONE REUBEN!

Home Learning - 
Due Thursday 29th September

Home Learning this week is a Maths activity which can be found in Home Learning books.
Year 1 should use the number sentences on Elmer to work out which colour to colour in that section of the picture.
Year 2 should work out which number the robots need in each hand to make a total of 20.

I have also asked that Home Learning books are covered this week if possible please, to help protect the great homework children are completing each week. This can be done with wrapping paper, sticky-backed plastic or even brown parcel paper and decorated with stickers or other pictures to personalise it - as long as these are securely attached please!

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