We have also been thinking of our own adjectives to describe our monsters and have made up our own silly poems.
In Maths we have been working on counting in 10s and 2s and identifying odd and even numbers.
I was also really impressed with everybody who had a good try at learning their 2 times table using 'Stick 'em up' - we are getting more and more confident now which is brilliant!
Rehearsals are now underway for our Christmas performance and we are all very excited!
Letters will be sent home next week with information about costumes.
Lois was in the Golden Book this work for some great Maths work - she mastered her 2 times table over the weekend and then taught her group how to answer a tricky problem in Big Maths.
Home Learning this week is to spend some time learning
your lines for the Christmas play.
Begin by reading them through a few times quietly
to yourself to get used to what the words say.
Then try reading them out loud to someone else – remember those big,
clear voices!
Once you are confident, try it without
your script!
House points will be given next week to
anyone who shows us that they have been putting in some effort to learn their
Spellings have been given as usual.