We have been getting outside for some of our learning this week - we have been hunting for minibeasts and their habitats and drawing and writing about the things we found.
I wonder who lives here...?! |
We also went on a sensory walk and recorded the things we saw, heard, smelt and touched.
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In maths we have been comparing numbers using the language 'more', 'less', 'greater' and smaller.
Year 2 have also been using equality symbols ( < > = ) - also known as 'Charlie Croc' who is quite greedy and always wants to eat the biggest numbers!
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We have been busy learning the story 'Where the Wild Things are' and are getting really good at remembering the order of the story, using actions to help us!
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Golden Book - This week in the Golden Book were Amelia (for being so kind and helpful towards her classmates, in particular the new Year 1 children) and Jake (for always trying really hard with all of his learning, even if he finds it tricky, and doing it all with a smile).
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Home Learning -
Due Thursday 10th October
Home Learning books have been send home this week - please can these be covered with wrapping paper / sticky backed plastic etc as soon as possible to help protect them when they are being carried back and forth from school.
You have a choice of 4 tasks this week - please complete 1 of these in your book and return it to school by Thursday.
If you are not sure what to do or you need any resources please ask and we will be happy to provide these for you.
Please also make sure you read your reading book to an adult and practice your spelling words.