Friday 10 March 2017

This week we have been starting to learn about Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic explorer.

We started off the week by talking about what it means to be 'famous' and then we had a picture of Ernest Shackleton and we had to ask questions to find out who he was and what he was famous for. 
We then discussed what it might be like on an expedition to the South Pole and what kind of people he would need to take with him and what they would be like - brave, strong, fit, responsible.....
We concluded the week writing letters to Mr Shackleton asking if we could join his next expedition and why we would be a good choice...

In Maths we have been continuing our work on time and have been getting used to telling the time to the hour and half past (Year 1) and quarter to/past (Year 2). On Thursday we did a Time Treasure Hunt and had to read the times on the clocks and then look for the clues around the classroom to spell the secret code word.
We have also been seeing what we can do in 1 minute (60 seconds).
Here are Year 2 seeing how many jumps and push-ups they can do....
 ....and seeing how many times they can write their name in 1 minute!

Please keep practising telling the time at home!

Sophia B was in the Golden Book this week for a fantastic Big Write to retell the story of  Halibut Jackson.
Francesca was in the Golden Book for really challenging herself and persevering with a very tricky maths problem - great Growth Mindset!

Home Learning
Due Thursday 16th March

Please have a go at the 'Time Challenges' in your homework books. You might want to use your Big Maths prompt sheets we sent home at the beginning of the year to help you.

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