Friday 12 January 2018

In English this term we will be thinking about 'information texts' - can you think of some ways we can learn new things or get more information about something?

We have begun by looking at labels and signs - here are some examples from around the school:

We have also read some facts about sea creatures and labelled some drawings and have created some lovely clear signs to help give directions for a lost sea monster!

Our maths this week has been focusing on 2D ('flat') shapes and their properties.
Can you remember the names of the shapes we have been using? 
How many sides (edges) and corners (vertices) they each have? 
Can you talk about the length of each side?

Here we are playing a game where we need to match the shape to it's name - but all the cards are face down so we also need to use our memory to remember where each one is!

We have had a great start to our new topic - 'Wonderful Water' and have come up with some really interesting questions we would like to find out the answers to, such as 

"How does the water get in the taps?"
"How do the sun and the rain make a rainbow?"

In the Golden Book this week were Horace and Logan - well done! 
Horace has been a super-star in the classroom already this term, always trying his best with his learning and he always checks with Mrs Flynn to see if she needs any help with classroom jobs. 
Logan has had a super 'can-do' attitude towards his learning and school this week and is always looking to challenge himself - a great example of 'Growth Mindset' ! 

Home Learning
Due Thursday 18th January 2018

This week we have been thinking about signs and labels in English.
Your home learning task this week is to go on a hunt for some different signs and labels, either at home or whilst out and about!

Please either take photographs, draw or make a list of what you find and where you found it - we would love to be able to put some interesting examples up in the classroom with the signs and labels we found in school!

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