Sunday 3 March 2019

Welcome back - we have had a really busy week in Class 2, continuing with our topic 'What a wonderful world' by learning about hot and cold climates and where they are located on maps and globes. We have learned lots of new words like Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere. Equator and about different tropical, hot, cold or changeable or temperate climates around the world.

We then moved on to thinking about which different kinds of animals live in each area and what the environment(s) might look like here too.

In Maths this week we have been busy practising our 2 and 10 times tables to make sure we are really confident!

In Year 2 we have also been learning how to work out ANY multiplication question, using ARRAYS.

First we used counters to create these...
...then we moved on to drawing them!

Some children were enjoying this so much they wanted to do some more in their choosing time on Friday afternoon - it has been lovely to see such enthusiasm! 😀

Year 1 have been thinking about how 2 digit numbers are made up - how many tens and how many ones.
We have been starting to use lots of different resources to help us with this - beadstrings, 100 squares, dienes (base 10 or 'chips and peas') and even tens frames .

Golden Book 
In the Golden Book this Friday were Draedyn for independently remembering his capital letters, full stops and most importantly finger spaces this week and Logan for remembering all the new vocabulary we have learned this week and being able to explain the meaning clearly to others. 


Home Learning
Due Thursday 7th March

* SORRY - we were so busy celebrating everyone's achievements on Friday afternoon in Golden Book assembly that we ran over time and so all of the home learning books were left behind! I will pop a note into all of your reading journals to remind you of this weeks task on Monday*

Please spend some time practising your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars - I have set up a battle between Year 1 and Year 2 to see which team can earn the most points - the winning year group will win extra playtime on Friday!

If you do not have access to the game at home please let me know BEFORE THURSDAY so I can arrange for you to play on one of the school laptops.

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