Sunday 23 June 2019

We are all really enjoying our story set in India and this week have been looking at the different language the writer uses at different points in the story. 
We found one part where they had included lots of actions in just 3 or 4 sentences so we realised that helped add to the excitement - we had a go at acting it out and found we had to do some things all at once to keep up!

The pumpkin in the story is growing bigger and bigger - and then there is a huge storm which the main character, Pattan, was really worried about. So, we wrote letters to him to give him some advice about what he could try to do to save himself and his animals.

To reflect on what we have been reading we have evaluated what we think of the book so far :

We have been recapping lots of the alternate spelling patterns we have learned that make the same sound this week - here we were practising the different ways of using the long 'oo' sound...

Home Learning
Due Thursday 27th June

This week we have been thinking about what makes ‘a family’ and talking about the fact that all families are very different but they are all there to support and love each other no matter what.
You all shared some really thoughtful ideas during our lesson and so for your home learning this week I would like you to tell me more about what the word ‘family’ means to you.
You could use these questions to help you think about this ….

Who is in your family?
Do you think pets can be a member of a family?
Why do we have families?
How does it feel to be part of a family? How do you feel when you are with your family?
Why is your family special?

You can also draw some members of your family if you would like!

* Don't forget our Blyth Woods afternoon is this Friday (28th June) and our Foxburrow Farm Trip is on Monday 8th July - please return all permission slips as soon as possible, thank you! *

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